On August 5, TPI hosted its second workshop to get new teachers and SCSU Graduates ready for their first positions. “Ready, Set, Teach: Tools for Success,” hosted attendees from all six Partner Districts and other P-12 locations where our graduates secured positions. The participants were greeted with networking, a Padlet collaboration activity, food, and refreshments.
After a welcome and introductions, Karlye Barron, third year teacher at Sartell-St. Stephen, shared her positive outlook and enthusiasm for teaching. This was followed by the first presenter, John Reeves, a high school teacher in Monticello. John captivated the audience with his interactive presentation on building relationships-“The Heart of Teaching.” John’s message was that knowing and loving our students is the foundation of teaching.
Building the theme of relationships, Michelle Raml, middle school teacher in Sartell-St. Stephen, presented on classroom management, the top concern of new teachers. Her presentation, Making the Invisible Visible: The Art of Classroom Management,” offered new teachers and graduates time to reflect on relationships, organization, procedures and expectations.
Following both of these presentations were opportunities for participants to network in groups according to the level they teach. Facilitated by veteran teachers and SCSU faculty members, they made meaning of what they learned and created an implementation plan for their new classroom.
After lunch and socializing, the new teachers participated in an “unconference” where they could choose the topic they wanted to talk about in groups that were facilitated by experienced educators. After door prizes and a readers’ theater, they were off to start planning for their first year of teaching, hopefully energized and ready to start a career in teaching and making a difference for students!