

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Communicating with Novice Teachers and Recent SCSU Graduates

The Support Working Group has been considering different options for ongoing communication with novice teachers and SCSU Graduates. In academic year 2013-14, we posted resources through Schoology, an educational management system that can also serve as a social networking site for educators. This year, the group’s goal was to reach new teachers and graduates directly and incorporate more engagement. We decided to create short monthly videos that correlate with the phases that new teachers typically progress through in their first year of teaching.

Milissa Walz, social studies teacher and mentor leader in Holdingford, creates the content for the videos. She shares that with Gregg Hermerding, media specialist and mentor from Monticello, who then creates the Animoto Videos. Each month, TPI shares the videos directly with novice teachers and recent SCSU Graduates and posts them on our new teacher website. When TPI hosts New Teacher Workshops, Gregg also creates a follow-up video for those gatherings as well. Please take some time to check out a few of these 3-minute videos at:
“Do you have ideas on how to stay in communication and engage with our novice teachers and recent graduates?